Plagiarism in Publishing

Studying Literature at university may not make me an expert (yet or maybe ever, who knows?) on all things academia, but one thing I can be certain of is my extensive knowledge about plagiarism. Although, in all fairness, this knowledge came about more from my experiences as a tutor than as a student myself.

I like telling my current batch of first-year English tutlings about one of the first ever Linguistics essays I marked early in 2018. The whole thing – THE WHOLE ENTIRE ESSAY – consisted of copy-pasted material from a Wikipedia article. (An article, I must add, that had absolutely nothing to do with the very easy assignment topic.) It took me a few lines to pick up on the fact that this was definitely not the student’s own work, and a couple of seconds to paste a phrase into Google and find the original source. Actually, the thing that took me the most time was drawing a big fat zero and scrawling that ominous “SEE ME ASAP” across the front page.

Point being, my new tutlings are terrified, but at least they’ll never copy-paste other people’s work into their essays. What was a lot more difficult to explain was that plagiarism in its other forms is just as serious. Paraphrasing, while not as easy to spot, still counts as stealing if you don’t acknowledge the original author. No exceptions.

So when I came across this article from The Guardian, I was this close to harassing those poor little tutlings via email (over their mid-semester break, even, because I am a monster) with a case of “real-life plagiarism” with “real-life” consequences. But reading it got me thinking about how “intellectual theft” works outside of “intellectual” genres – and why we don’t talk more about the plagiarism of fictional property. Considering the sh*t-storm in self-publishing right now, it’s probably time to change that – drastically.


Plagiarism involves an act of theft – intentional or not – of another person’s intellectual property. In academia, we generally take this to mean passing off someone else’s ideas as your own, and this extends from using the exact words of another author without crediting them, to the “innocent” use of their idea unaccompanied by a citation.


Funnily enough, lots of readers and writers remain oblivious to the fact that the concept of plagiarism does indeed extend to fictional works. “Intellectual property” doesn’t only refer to ideas that are strictly, well, intellectual – if somebody else came up with it, be it a character or a storyline or a fantasy land, they own that idea. Why do you think nobody’s dared to write a book about a young girl called Harriet Kettler who discovers she’s a witch and gets swept off to study magic at Swinepimples? Because J.K. Rowling would sue the sh*t out of them, that’s why.

(And also, probably, definitely, because it would be very, very bad.)

However, obviously the same criteria for avoiding plagiarism in academia can’t be applied to fiction. Let’s say you want to write a novel set in Hogwarts, with an entirely new cast of characters that you dreamed up yourself. You can’t exactly cite J.K. Rowling every time you reference her creation (again, bad), and she would probably still sue you. So what seems to be the general consensus about using someone else’s ideas without plagiarising them?

Well, there isn’t one. Some authors like Jane from Dear Author argue that a simple Author’s Note acknowledging a source of inspiration is perfectly adequate. Others insist that using another novel as the basis for your own is fine, as long as you don’t profit off of it (think “fanfiction” for this one). There seems to be an understanding that “inspiration” doesn’t equal “plagiarism”, but the line between the two is often blurred.

Kimberley Jackson’s article “Four Myths About Plagiarism in Fiction Writing” is a great place to start reading if you want to define that line for yourself. Committing yourself to originality as a writer is damn difficult, especially when it feels like every cool idea has been written about before. But that doesn’t mean that it’s okay – or legal – to steal someone else’s work for profit.


It’s no secret that the publishing industry is a brutal, ugly place for new authors (and even for not-so-new ones). Self-publishing, especially on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing programme, gives hundreds of thousands of writers the opportunity to send their books out into the world relatively hassle-free. That a system designed to benefit creatives writing outside of traditional publishing is being misused by a bunch of – excuse my French – money-grabbing fuckwits, is as horrendous as it is ironic. These people will go so far as to lift entire scenes, word-for-word, from other authors’ novels for the sole purpose of making money.

This goes beyond finding inspiration in a favourite character or setting. It goes beyond writing fanfiction out of sheer love for the world an author’s created. Hell, it even goes beyond shamelessly basing a book on someone else’s work and then changing just enough about it to make it past those copyright laws (yeah, I’m looking at you, E.L. James). It’s just… lazy. Insultingly, disgustingly lazy. It’s not even a clever way to make money. There’s no talent, no innovation, no thinking involved – and because of that, it fundamentally undermines everything that writing’s supposed to be.


For me, this isn’t just a case of people stealing and being generally awful. It points towards a problem in the system: just the fact that there’s a hole where these “writers” can worm their way into making thousands of dollars in an industry that supposedly values creativity and authenticity is bizarre. Besides the plagiarists themselves, who do we blame here?

I think this is a long-awaited opportunity to open up a discussion about where the publishing industry is failing its authors. As wonderful as self-publishing is, how does it speak to the limitations of publishing companies? And how do we solve the problem of plagiarism on a platform that, almost by its very definition, doesn’t put its authors through a rigorous proof-reading and editing process where plagiarism would be caught before publication?

I don’t have the answers. God, I don’t even have all the questions. But I think the more we talk about the issue, the closer we’ll get to finding some sort of solution. One that doesn’t involve people profiting off plagiarism and only maybe getting caught.



  1. inkandbrushes - books,art and musings says:

    sometimes other people’s work influence ours, like the phrase “royal pain” used in “catcher in the rye ” caught my attention so much that i have been using it frequently. I wonder if it counts as plagiarism or not

    Liked by 1 person

    1. amybouwer says:

      That’s an interesting one, because “royal pain” is more of a colloquial phrase that exists outside of Catcher in the Rye. I wouldn’t count that as plagiarism at all! But if someone were to take Holden as a character and copy his style of speaking, including his use of that phrase, then that could be crossing the line into “plagiarism” territory.


  2. Scamazon says:

    My biggest takeaway is how bad Amazon fails at controlling any of this bad behavior. Their shields are down when it comes to plagiarists, scamming and more importantly, people it already terminated for scamming KU. The Natasha L. Black name mentioned in the article will receive thousands of dollars and a KU bonus for hitting Top 100 ranks on Amazon. And this pen name is owned by Rye Hart, a notorious scammer Amazon banned multiple times. There’s no hope if Amazon allows cheating predators like her to come back constantly under new accounts and receive huge payments. Every indie author should be enraged this is happening.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. amybouwer says:

      Definitely! It’s sickening that a huge company like Amazon can’t (or won’t) do more to protect the integrity of a service designed for the benefit of indie authors. I just wish there were more options out there to support self-publishing – ones that value the contributions of their writers and limit the amount of damage scammers can do.


  3. Carl says:

    Some thoughts. Are we just too trusting of people doing the work or lazy ouselves to check the validity of it, or both? Are we guilty of not thinking of the consequences regardless of if we are making money from it. We have people on both sides of the fence? Sitting on it wont help eather if we dont have a strong definition of right and wrong. Its disappointing that this has become such an issue but then i realize that i have used quotes for no source of income too. We don’t realize how powerful digital media has become and the dangers of sharing of knowledge and data so freely. Do we realize that text can now travel round the world in a day get changed slightly and end up as someone elses work before you go back to sleep… scary how bigger the problem is getting or already is. Your simple search highlighted that the text was found and coppied off wikipedia. Does this highlight the persons lack of imagination, laziness, schooling, integrity? Blame the pressure’s of work, homework and grades? Thinking it wont hurt anyone? You just making a small buck here? There are now supposedly even apps available to help those seeking validity of articles or section of text written. These apps do an online search for you and seek similarities published or posted online and inform you if found and give the author/s linked. (Problem!!.. people already make money off this issue!) So companies could check this. They could even automate this if documents are uploaded digitally and yes you would assume that they would check this… talking about this and raising awareness is good. Its where we go from here that will count…


  4. sigma says:

    Everyone has to ensure thier content is without plagiarism, whether they are students, bloggers or anyone else and to check your content against plagiarism, see this free plagiarism detector online tool given with this comment


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