Nine Women Who Activated My Feminism

Today we are supposed to remember women in action: the beat of more than 20,000 feet marching toward the Union Buildings, the vision of women standing together in solidarity, the rallying cry of Wathint’abafazi, wathint’imbokodo. But how are we to bring this history into focus when our present moment is distorted by screams? How are we to echo the timeless words of protest when they conjure up memories of our bruised and bloodied bodies? It is a brutal irony, of course, that our protest song threatens the abuser with death, uza kufa!, while so many of these murderers walk free. Because we are not rocks, however much we wish we were. When we are beaten, we cry out. We bleed. We die.

How to Set (and Stick to) a Routine During COVID-19

Last week South Africa joined the ranks of countries going into lock-down to stop the spread of COVID-19, which means that most of us are roughly four days into our mild emotional breakdowns by now. For everyone staying home and doing their part to flatten the curve: I see you. This sucks. But we’re doingContinue reading “How to Set (and Stick to) a Routine During COVID-19”

Three Ways to Take Care of Yourself in 2020

I’m not great at this whole “self-care” thing. Scratch that – if we’re being completely honest here, I’m probably the worst person in the world at practicing self-care. When my therapist tells me to keep working on my “self-care” techniques, I think she pictures me meditating under a willow tree by a peaceful stream, aContinue reading “Three Ways to Take Care of Yourself in 2020”

Plagiarism in Publishing

Studying Literature at university may not make me an expert (yet or maybe ever, who knows?) on all things academia, but one thing I can be certain of is my extensive knowledge about plagiarism. Although, in all fairness, this knowledge came about more from my experiences as a tutor than as a student myself. IContinue reading “Plagiarism in Publishing”

How I Balance Life as a Blogger, Reviewer, and Full-time University Student

Blogging is a huge commitment. In terms of time alone, it’s capable of draining hours upon hours of your life for one measly post that takes 7 minutes to read – tops. Then there’s the stress of what to actually write about, which (for me at least) often just centers on how hard blogging actually is. Fun, right? IContinue reading “How I Balance Life as a Blogger, Reviewer, and Full-time University Student”

Coming Clean

Hey everyone. It seems like every time I log into this blog, I’m writing another apology post for six months of being M.I.A. But this isn’t an apology for the past two years of sporadic updates, random book reviews, and just… silence, really. Both here and in the blogging community. Reading and writing are theContinue reading “Coming Clean”

Oh, look, I found the wormhole back to this side of reality. Finally. (Feat. A list of torture techniques 2017 perfected on me)

(I accidentally found the perfect gif for this situation. For those who get the reference, please take note of how accurate it is. For those that don’t, it’s a ridiculous man excitedly re-emerging from a toilet bowl. What other information do you need?) So it’s December again, which means it’s time for my annual “IContinue reading “Oh, look, I found the wormhole back to this side of reality. Finally. (Feat. A list of torture techniques 2017 perfected on me)”

General Update (Still Not Dead, I Swear)

{Oh, wow. My third ‘I promise I’m still alive – please don’t contact the authorities’ post in a row. That’s gotta be a new record.}  Hey, geeks. Look who decided to resurface from the depths of cyber space and grace you all with her (admittedly worn out and slightly grey-tinged) presence, am I right?

A Pity Party? For Me? You Shouldn’t Have…

This is a mixture between an apology/excuse post for pulling off another unexpected vanishing act and a rant about my current headspace. All in all, probably the one post a blogger should never write. But we don’t exactly follow the rules in this little corner of the internet. Clearly. So I’m going to break anotherContinue reading “A Pity Party? For Me? You Shouldn’t Have…”

In Other News, I’m Not Dead Yet

I don’t know why, but typing this up feels like sitting all you guys down in front of the tenth season of a series that you’ve never seen before, and expecting you to understand what’s going on from the Previously on Supernatural… clip. {Hopefully at least some of you read that last part in JensenContinue reading “In Other News, I’m Not Dead Yet”